量子信息与测控团队为中山大学物理与天文学院五大科研团队之一,也是广东省量子精密测量与传感重点实验室的重要组成部分。量子信息与测控团队在罗乐教授的带领下日益发展壮大,两年内已相继建成具有世界领先水平的超冷原子激光冷却实验装置、囚禁离子量子比特测控实验装置,并在nature communications,physical review letters等知名国际期刊上发表重要科学论文。团队致力于原子分子光物理与量子信息领域的融合交叉,以原子分子光子的精密测控实验为主线,结合量子力学基础理论研究,力争在量子模拟、量子计算、量子通信、量子调控等方向取得国际一流的原创性科学成果,进而推动量子信息和测控技术的应用。目前迫切需要下列研究课题的专业人才加入。
quantum simulation and control with ultracold fermionic atoms
project leader:professor le luo罗乐,, principal investigator of trapped atoms and ions lab, head of division of quantum information, measurement, and control
we will use lithium-6, with lithium-7 and/or ytterbium atoms, to make fermi-bose mixtures for the purpose of simulating nonequilibrium strongly interacting system, dimension crossover system, and parity-time symmetric open quantum systems etc. lithium-6 atoms have exceptional properties for open system quantum simulations with tunable s-wave interaction from bec to bcs, multiple p-wave resonances, and multi-component spin mixtures etc. after practicing lithium-6 experiments for several years, our apparatus has these control knobs in high precision level, satisfying the requirements of several interesting proposals in this field.
quantum computing and networking with trapped ions
project leader:professor le luo罗乐,, principal investigator of trapped atoms and ions lab, head of division of quantum information, measurement, and control
we would like to hire several research fellows and postdocs to work in our current trapped ytterbium ion project. we will use yetterbium-171 ions to implement the following projects: 1) ultrafast and scalable quantum gates with yb-171 ions; 2) ion-photon entanglements and remote quantum gates over a long distance; 3) free-space light transmission for quantum channel; 4) design and test new types of ion trap with integrated optics; 5) hybrid trapped ion quantum gates with phonon and photon; 6) open quantum simulations with trapped ions etc.
precision measurements with rydberg atoms
project leader:associate professor thibault thomas vogt,, principal investigator of rydberg atoms lab
associate professor thibault vogt is a well-known researcher in rydberg atom physics with strong credentials and more than one thousand citations (google scholar citations). he is recently selected as distinguish youth faculty of sysu.
we would like to hire several research fellows and postdocs to start a new research direction on the metrology and quantum sensing of electromagnetic fields. we will use rydberg atoms, which have exceptional potential for measuring electric fields with unprecedented precision, ranging from static to microwave and terahertz frequencies.
important practical and fundamental applications that will be investigated include monitoring discharge electrostatic fields, analyzing stray surface fields, developing a standard for the measurement of microwave fields, detecting microwave photons in superconducting qubits based quantum computers, sensing blackbody radiation, and looking for the existence of the axion in particle physics.
quantum simulation and quantum information processing with neutral atoms
project leader:associate professor thibault thomas vogt,, principal investigator of rydberg atoms lab
associate professor thibault vogt is a well-known researcher in rydberg atom physics with strong credentials and more than one thousand citations (google scholar citations). he is recently selected as distinguish youth faculty of sysu.
we will make use of the well-known technique of atom trapping in optical potential tweezer arrays. we will also utilize the excitation to rydberg states to induce strong interactions between atoms and realize conditional phase shifts for quantum gates. the applications of this research include the simulation of spin models and the realization of fast and scalable quantum computing.
precision spectroscopy with optical frequency combs
project leader:associate professor feng zhu,, principal investigator of precision spectroscopy lab
we will develop the high power mid-infrared frequency comb sources to implement the following projects: 1) mid-infrared dual frequency comb spectroscopy; 2) mid-infrared cavity-enhanced frequency comb spectroscopy; 3) using precision spectroscopy for trace gas analysis in environmental or medical monitoring applications etc.
quantum communication and information processing
project leader: associate professor shihai sun,, principal investigator of quantum communication lab
associate professor shihai sun is a well-known research in quantum communication, especially in quantum cryptography. he had developed many qkd system and quantum hacking strategies. he had published many papers with high citations, the journals include prl, optica, pra, and so on.
we will develop the key technologies for practical quantum communication and information processing system, and try to apply them in practical field. our projects include: 1) experimental demonstration of qkd based on mobile-platforms; 2) security evaluation of practical qkd system; 3) new quantum communication protocol that immune to quantum hacking and noise; 4) the application of qkd in practical field.
1)中山大学专职科研系列人员research fellow
2)中山大学博士后研究人员postdoctoral research scholar