2. Contribute to the development of a comprehensive IT curriculum for Tsinglan School.
3. Contribute to the active, co-curricular IT program at Tsinglan School.
4. Help design and carry out the annual IT/CS week and IT/CS-themed days and activities for students of different ages.
5. Create a component to the IT curriculum based on the school’s needs.
6. Maintain a safe, clean and orderly work environment in both classrooms and IT labs.
7. Ensure students' safety and security when using digital devices or maker devices.
8. Support student learning by collaborating with other teachers and departments of the school, including supporting their needs as English language learners.
9. Communicate timely with interns and other IT teachers.
10. Enhance the IT/CS skills of students; help students with special IT/CS talents move far in this area by recommending opportunities to them and possibly offering extra tutorials as an elective (counts towards your teaching hours).
11. Support the school’s commitment to the 4C skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity in teaching and working with colleagues.
12. Promote cross-cultural understanding among faculty and students.
13. Participate actively in curricular work, curricular writing, and professional development within the curriculum group and the faculty at large.
14. Whenever possible, become involved in interdisciplinary teaching with colleagues.
15. Maintain positive relationships with parents and participate in parent-teacher conferences.
16. Offer at least one elective for students each semester.
17. Offer at least one club for students each semester.
18. Occasionally cover classes for colleagues.
19. Assist with Foci-Learning Week, summer school, and study trips when possible.
20. Assist with other student activities when possible.
21. Assess regularly and thoughtfully, both formatively and summatively, including midterms and final exams.
22. Enter attendance records and grading data frequently into the school’s online grading platform based on divisional requirements.
23. Prepare detailed item analysis of summative assessments.
24. Attend teacher-specific and subject-specific meetings.
25. Provide written specific feedback to students and parents periodically.
26. Care for all students in class and actively report concerns and accolades regarding students’ progress in class.
27. Support and work with the support staff where appropriate, including the admissions officers by writing and grading admissions tests.
28. Be flexible, and assist with any other duties, tasks, or jobs as may be reasonably requested by the management.
1. 高于行业水平的薪资;
2. 灵活五险一金选项(可北上广深莞五选一),提供补充商业保险;
3. 每年按绩效评定结果发放至少一个月薪资的绩效奖金(等同13薪);
4. 按在校工作年限提供校龄奖;
5. 每年提供个人培训基金、校内九大模块职业培训、多样化俱乐部选修课活动;
6. 享受多种生活福利补贴:子女超低折扣入学、免费三餐、住房补贴、置装补贴、安置补贴、新婚补贴、新生子女补贴等;
7. 每年一次高规格体检;
8. 每年一次免费研学旅行;子女研学费用补贴;特色课程费用优惠;
9. 应季水果/礼物;
10. 假期全薪