Position Summary
Be responsible for electrical relevant work and provide professional technical support.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. 负责电气类产品(电控柜、变频器、接线箱、人机界面、三相电机等)选型、设计以及相关技术文件编写;
Be responsible for the selection and design of electrical products (electric control cabinet, frequency converter, junction box, HMI, three-phase motor etc.) and the preparation of technical documents.
2. 负责电气类产品(电控柜、接线箱等)图纸绘制以及相关竣工文件编写;
Be responsible for drawing of electrical products (electric control cabinet, junction box etc.) and preparation of relevant completion documents.
3. 了解电控程序及触摸屏程序编写,PLC程序优化或改进;
Has a knowleage of writing electronic control and touch screen program, and PLC programming optimization.
4. 负责电气类产品相关文件编写及审核,电气元件的备件/样件管理,Bom定义及盘点;
Be responsible for the preparation and review of relevant documents of electrical products, mange the spare parts or sample of electrical components, define bom and check.
5. 负责电气类产品(电控柜、接线箱、人机界面、三相电机等)装配指导、调试及培训工作;
Assembly guidance and commissioning. Conduct training of electrical products (electric control cabinet, junction box, HMI, three-phase motor, etc.).
6. 负责优化电气元件选型、设计;
Optimizing electrical component selection and design.
7. 领导安排的其它工作。
Complete other work assigned by supervisors.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
1. 熟悉各类工业低压元器件、变频器、接线箱、人机界面、三相电机等产品,尤其是变频器、电机、电控箱;
Familiar with different industrial low-voltage components, frequency converters, junction boxes, HMI, three-phase motor etc., especially frequency converters, motors and elctrical control box.
2. 了解各类西门子200、300等PLC程序、触摸屏,可进行设备调试;
Has a knowledge of kinds of PLC and touch screen. Ability of equipment commissioning.
3. 了解各类压力、温度、流量等传感器及仪表产品;
Understand different kinds of instruments including pressure, temperature, flow and other relevant.
4. 熟练绘制各种自动控制相关的逻辑图、接线图、原理图等图纸;
Skills of logic diagrams, wiring diagrams, schematic diagrams, and other drawings.
5. 具有强烈的团队合作意识,高度的敬业精神;
Strong sense of teamwork and high degree of professionalism.
6. 较强逻辑思维能力与学习创新能力;
Strong ability of logical thinking, self-learning, and innovation.
7. 良好的协调沟通能力与解决问题能力。
Good capability of good coordination, communication skills and problem-solving.
Qualifications, Training, and Experience:
1. 大专以上学历,电气、电子类相关专业;
College degree or above. Major in electrical or electronics engineering.
2. 具有5年以上低压电柜设备电控系统应用经验;
At least 5 years of solid experience in electronic control system of low-voltage cabinet equipment.
3. 适应短期出差(国内外)及适当的加班;
Adapt to short-term business trip(domestic or abroad) and appropriate overtime.
4. 有指导现场接线及调试的经验;
Experience in instruction of field wiring and commissioning.
5. 英文读写能力熟练;
Fluent in English reading and writing;
6. 有外企工作经验为佳。
Preferably with working experience in foreign enterprises.

