Position Summary:
Accelerate and sustain the growth of the sales department by gaining and sharing excellent product and application knowledge.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. 给予销售及服务部门产品及应用技术支持(包括技术交流及方案、现场调试及培训等),以保持并促进公司业务增长;
Provide technical support of product and application (including technical communication and proposal, onsite commissioning and training) to sales and service departments, to maintain and promote the business growth of the company.
2. 了解客户生产工艺,为客户提供创新的、具有独特卖点的解决方案,与客户进行技术谈判并签署技术协议;Understand customer production process, provide innovative and unique selling point solutions to customer, negotiate and sign technical agreements with customer.
3. 收集客户反馈、市场及竞争对手信息、市场趋势及应用的本地化信息,与本部门及其他部门(如市场部、服务部)合作制定成功的销售策略;
Collect customer voice, information of the market and competition as well as localization information of market trends and application, work with sales and other cross-functional departments (such as Marketing, Service) to develop successful sales strategies.
4. 与总部相关职能部门(如负责产品研发及应用开发部门)合作并协调本地工作;
Cooperate and coordinate local work with relevant functional departments in headquarters (such as departments responsible for product and application development).
5. 参与项目管理,跟踪项目执行情况,提供现场指导安装、调试及培训服务,收集、汇报并解决问题,通过项目服务能敏锐地感知客户的潜在需求,并转化为销售机会;
Participate in project management, track project implementation, provide on-site installation guidance, commissioning and training services, collect, report and solve problems, and have a keen sense of potential customer needs through project services and turn them into sales opportunities.
6. 支持销售及服务部门调查并解决各种客户现场投诉;
Support sales and service department to investigate and resolve customer complaints.
7. 成为指定产品和应用的专家;
Become an expert in designated products and applications.
8. 上级安排的其他相关工作。
Other tasks assigned by line manager.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
1. 能敏锐地感知潜在商机,具备从客户方得到有效信息的能力;
Keen business potential sense and high ability to get effective information from customers.
2. 能够在不同市场领域解决与技术、应用相关的问题并协调活动安排,有较强的逻辑及创新思维,工作积极主动;
Ability to solve problems related to technology and application and coordinate activities in different market areas, strong logical and innovative thinking, proactive work.
3. 沟通协调能力强,掌握时间管理及自我管理技巧,具备灵活性,有较强的团队精神;
Strong communication and coordination as well as time management and self-management skills, flexibility and strong team spirit.
4. 自我学习能力强,能够自我驱动;
Strong self-learning ability and self-driven.
5. 能够影响跨部门团队;
Ability to influence cross-functional teams.
6. 愿意国内出差。
High willingness to travel domestic.
Qualifications, Training, and Experience:
1. 大学本科及以上学历,工科类相关专业(机械、化学工程与工艺等),太阳能行业相关应用经验;
Bachelor’s degree or above with an engineering related major (mechanical, chemical, process, etc.), solar application experience.
2. 5年以上产品工程师或类似职位工作经验,有丰富的客户沟通经验,有跨国公司工作背景者优先;
Over 5 years working experience in product engineer or similar position, rich experience of communication with customers, working experience in a multinational environment is preferred.
3. 熟练使用微软办公软件及AutoCAD;
Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office and AutoCAD.
4. 良好的英语书写及口语表达能力。
Good written and verbal English skills.

