1. Manage to estimate input requirements from customer or system team
2. Manage to clarify and discuss deviations derived from input requirements
3. Manage to derive software requirements corresponding to input requirements
4. Manage to review derived software requirements
5. Manage to release software requirements
1. Together with SWPM to plan the development of SW requirements
2. Identify and estimate software team related inputs from customer, System, ECU, Motor, Sensor and so on
3. Perform impact analysis on agreed inputs to identify impacted SW features and behaviors
4. Coordinate developer to write good requirements on SW behaviors on Doors
5. Review, baseline and release the SW requirements
1. More than 1 year experience of using Doors or other requirement management tools
2. More than 2 years of embedded SW development design experience
3. Having good understanding on ASPICE SWE1
4. Familiar with Autosar and experienced on Autosar project
5. Plus if having experience on Rhapsody tool, Configuration Management tool like PTC integrity
6. Plus if having development experience on EPS control functions
7. Plus if having development experience on CAN, UDS diagnostics
8. Plus if having experience on safety analysis (ISO26262)