Project title
Scientific applications of nutritional lipids in infant nutrition and medical nutrition
Objectives and responsibilities of the position
The Nutrition Scientific Assistant will work closely within Nutrition Global Science Team
- To support scientific rationales of nutritional lipids in infant and medical nutrition;
- To support delivering scientific concepts of nutritional lipids and its application in infant formula
and medical nutrition products;
- To support developing clinical design and rationale to approve the health benefits associated
with nutritional lipids in infant nutrition;
- To gain industry practice on global nutrition business and innovation strategy.
Project background
Nutritional lipids play a vital part in improving and maintaining healthy infant and adult diets. Lipids are
core nutrients and essential sources of energy. The right nutritional balance can only be achieved through
a careful selection of oil and lipid ingredients.
Fat are an essential nutrient for the baby. It provides up to 50% of a baby’s energy intake. Besides being
a key energy source, the molecular structure of fats present in mother’s milk plays an essential role in
nutrient absorption, gut health and many other unknown benefits. We are developing a complex fat
system to mimic human mothers’ milk, which will enable infant formula closer to nature. This project will
unwind the following key open questions to be addressed within BLC Nutrition infant and medical
nutrition framework: 1) to identify the functional structure lipids via systemic literature review on human
mothers’ milk data and external collaboration on Chinese mother’s milk; 2) mechanisms which structure
triglycerides can provide health benefits for the babies; 3) to clinically approve the health benefits of
structure triglycerides via clinical design in infants.
By the end of the project, the candidate is expected to be fully equipped with nutrition knowledge in
infant nutrition and scientific know-how in how to apply nutrition knowledge into industry practice.
• A Ph.D. candidate, who understanding and basic knowledge of the science behind human
• Ability to read, understand and synthesize published scientific research both in Chinese and
• Fast learning and basic problem-solving skills
• Team player able to collaborate with team members within Global nutrition business unit
• Energetic personality and proactive within a global team