Coordinate and perform a range of administrative and business process automation duties, much of which is of a sensitive and confidential nature, to support the Senior Leaders in carrying out day to day responsibilities.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. 提供行政支持,如差旅安排、日历管理等。协调安排并跟踪所有需总经理签字、盖章的文件进度;
Provide administrative support, such as travels arrangement, calendar management etc. Coordinate and follow up on all the documents that need to be signed and sealed by General Manager.
2. 组织和协调公司活动或会议,如管理会议、销售会议和公司团队建设活动。在内外部会议期间提供口头或书面翻译,并做好会议记录。
Organize and coordinate company events or meetings, such as management meetings, national, sales meetings and company team building activities. Provide verbal or written translation as well as meeting minutes during internal or external meetings.
3. 准备高质量的文件,并协助搜索、分析、校对和修改报告、演示材料、商务信函等;
Prepare good quality documentation and assists in researching, analysing, proof-reading and editing reports, presentations, correspondence, etc.
4. 协助外国访客申请签证、行程安排。
General support international visitors for their visa application, travel arrangements.
5. 负责接待来访者;
Responsible for receiving and interacting with incoming visitors.
6. 维护高层的日历表并更新管理团队的可视化看板;
Maintain Senior Leader’s calendar and update management team Microsoft Planner
7. 部门主管指派的其他相关事项。
Other related tasks assigned by department head.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
1. 较强的口语和书面沟通能力(英语和中文);
Strong communication skills in English and Chinese, both verbal and written skills.
2. 精通微软办公软件(尤其是 Word, PowerPoint);
Proficient in Microsoft Office (especially Word, PowerPoint).
3. 优秀的时间管理能力,掌握完成多项任务及组织安排的能力;
Excellent time management, multi-tasking and organization skills.
4. 道德、诚信,有保密意识;
Excellent ethics and integrity. Ability to maintain confidentiality.
5. 高度的责任感,服务意识且注重细节;
High sense of responsibilities, service mindset, and details oriented.
6. 自我驱动,能在压力下独立工作。
Self-driven and able to work indecently under pressure.
Qualifications, Training, and Experience:
1. 本科或以上学历;
Bachelors’ degree or above.
2. 2年以上跨国公司或上市企业工作经验;
Above 2 years work experience in multi-national companies or public companies.

