Position Summary:
Support sales team to achieve sales target, maintain customer relationship and find more sales opportunities.
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. 及时回应客户询价,了解客户需求,记录并跟进收到的销售线索,将确认的销售机会分类并分配给销售进行跟进;
Response to customer inquiries timely, understand customer needs, record sales leads, classify identified sales opportunities and distribute them to sales for follow-up.
2. 跟进线上及线下各渠道获得的潜在客户信息,并将有价值客户信息转至销售跟进与拜访;
Follow up leads from online and offline channels and deliver valuable information to sales to follow-up and visit.
3. 在 CRM 系统中建立新客户,并维护客户信息;
Creat and maintain customer information in CRM.
4. 及时响应客户/销售的报价需求并制作报价单发布,针对项目型销售,协助准备项目标书;
Timely respond to customer's quotation demand and prepare quotation sheet. Assist project sales in preparing project bidding document.
5. 积极跟进报价发送后的反馈,并进行记录和分析,以确保报价转化为订单;
Actively follow up quotation, record and analyze it to ensure the quotation transfer to an order.
6. 制作合同或协议,并审核合同条款,反馈风险给销售进行确认或与客户协商,跟进合同审批等内部流程;
Make contract or agreement and review contract terms, feedback risk to sales for confirmation or negotiate with customer. Follow up the contract approval process internally.
7. 通过电话、邮件等方式发掘潜在的业务需求,拓展新客户或维护现有客户,促进长期合作伙伴关系;
Make initial contact with customers to explore their potential needs via outbound call and email. Establish new customer relationship and maintain regular customer for further long-term partnership.
8. 应收账款及时催收,督促客户根据付款要求准时支付货款;
Ensure the timely collection of account receivable from customer. Urge customer to pay back within payment term.
9. 接收客户投诉,内部协调并跟进结果,提升客户满意度;
Handle and track customer complaints efficiently to improve the customer satisfaction.
10. 上级安排的其他相关工作。
Other related work assigned by line manager.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
1. 良好的交流能力,熟练的电话沟通技巧,较强的客户服务意识;
Good communication ability and telemarketing skills, strong customer service awareness.
2. 熟悉 MS Office 办公软件,熟练使用Excel;
Good knowledge of MS Office software, proficient in Excel.
3. 具有较强责任心,诚实守信。富有工作激情和团队协作精神;
Strong sense of responsibility, integrity and trustworthy, full of work passion and team spirit.
4. 良好的英语听说读写优先。
Good command of English in listening, speaking and writing is preferred.
Qualifications, Training, and Experience:
1. 本科及以上学历,机械类相关专业优先;
Bachelor degree or above, major in mechanical or relevant is preferred.
2. 3年以上外企销售支持或销售相关经验;
Over 3 years related work experience with knowledge of sales support or sales in a foreign investment enterprise.
3. 具有商务合同审核经验,有能力识别风险;
Experience in contract audit and capibility to recognize risk.
4. 熟练使用 CRM、ERP 系统,有 SAP 经验更佳。
Proficient in CRM, ERP system, SAP is preferred.

