COMPANY INTRODUCTION : 公司介绍珠海爱克汉胜车用同轴系统有限公司,是在汽车和数据网络市场的高科技电线电缆领域的法国科技行业领头-爱克集团与在生产制造和销售各种通讯电线电缆领域的中国企业领头-珠海汉胜科技股份有限公司的合资子公司。我们正在寻找一个大客户经理成为我们公司成员,你会有爱克集团同轴产品在中国具有挑战性的使命,包括开发销售和拓展业务,以及制定公司业务的商务战略。PURPOSES : 目的- Develop the sales and business development of ACOME coaxial products in China.开发Acome在中国区同轴产品的业务MAJOR PRIORITIES : 主要任务- Development of the Business Unit activities and conquest of coaxial market进行开发活动、夺取同轴业务市场- Quick development of turn-over on the coaxial product range快速实现同轴系列产品的销售额- Promote ACOME products range and defense of our market share推广同轴系列产品、保护市场份额- Customer satisfaction and loyalty提高客户满意度和忠诚度Commercial strategy 商务战略- Analyze market studies and information from customers, in order to identify the market opportunities and the position of the company on the coaxial market.分析市场和客户端的信息,为了确认市场机会和公司在同轴市场上的定位。- Participate to the definition of the pricing policy, margins, and sales conditions for the coaxial products.参与定义同轴产品的定价政策、利润和销售条件。- Participate to the definition and execution of the commercial action plans to ensure the deployment of the coaxial commercial strategy.参与商业行动计划的定义和执行,以确保同轴商业战略的发展。- Define and set-up the suitable actions to reach the fixed objectives and ensure a profitable and sustainable growth. 定义和建立适当的行动以达到固定的目标,并确保一个可盈利和可持续的增长。- Participate to the definition of the commercial key targets and objectives for turn-over development.参与制定商业关键目标和营业额增长目标。Marketing information 市场信息- Collect, analyze, and share with relevant departments the customers future demands, projects targeted, products and/or technological trends and priorities.收集、分析并与相关部门分享客户未来需求、目标项目、产品和/或技术趋势和优先事项。- Participate in the analysis of local competitors参与对本地竞争对手的分析- Be present on exhibitions, conferences to monitor market trends and promote the company and products.参与展会、会议以监测市场趋势并推广公司和产品Business Development 业务开发- Prospect new potential customers using different kind of sources (personal network, market analysis, conferences, social network…). 利用各种资源(个人人脉、市场分析、会议、社交网络)开发新客户- Complete annual new acquisitions and sales projects targets.完成年度新项目的收购业务和新项目的销售指标- Identify commercial opportunities.抓住商业机会- Gain potential customers through proactive market development.通过市场开发赢得潜在客户- Pre RFQ activities, guide new customers to adopt the products of the company.实施前期导入准备工作,引导新客户采用公司产品- Project management: regular meeting, project status update, project manager role.项目管理: 召开例会、项目状态更新跟进、行使发挥项目经理的职能- Business negotiation of engineering changes.设计变更时的商务谈判- Organize and coordinate company departments to submit competitive quotation and samples.组织并协调各部门提交有竞争力的报价以及提交样品Key Accounts

