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当前位置:首页 > 校园招聘 > 教职工招聘 > 河北大学经济学院2023年诚聘海内外人才

发布:2022-12-05 17:52:03  关注:25518次

2022-12-05 15:08 来源: 河北大学经济学院 作者: liuxuehr

河北大学是教育部与河北省人民政府 部省合建 高校,也是河北省重点支持的国家一流大学建设一层次高校,始建于1921年,位于河北省保定市。现诚邀海内外英才加入我校,共谋发展。(河北大学详细介绍网址:


学院师资力量雄厚。现有教职工131人,其中专任教师114人,具有高级职称、具有博士学位的专任教师比例均在75%以上,博士生导师24名,硕士生导师96人。拥有欧盟让 莫内讲席教授、教育部特聘教授(长江学者)、国家 百千万人才工程 人选、国务院特殊津贴专家、国家有突出贡献中青年专家、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划等国家级优秀人才6人次,河北省创新团队领军人才、省管优秀专家等省部级以上高层次人才5人次,河北省 三三三 层次人才5人次。近年,学院先后派出30多名教师到国内知名高校进修学习,派出20多名教师分赴国外18所著名大学访学交流。



一、招聘原则 坚持德才兼备,贯彻民主、公开、平等、竞争的用人原则,在综合评议的基础上择优聘用。

二、招聘计划 2023年拟招聘、引进以下方向人才:


三、基本条件 1.具有良好的政治素质和道德素养,遵守国家法律、法规和各项规章制度,未受过任何纪律处分及刑事处罚。




四、招聘岗位、要求及相关待遇 引进类型及待遇参考(2021年)

业务要求:除具备一定的教学能力外,还应具备较强的科研能力和发展潜力,在本学科内已取得具有影响力的代表性成果,得到本学科同行专家肯定。 年薪40万元 60-80万元 40-60万元
业务要求:除具备一定的教学能力外,还应具备一定的科研能力和发展潜力,在本学科内已取得一定的业绩成果,得到本学科同行专家认可。 基本待遇+成果奖励+生活补贴。
基本待遇一般为:教授20万元/年,副教授16万元/年,博士14万元/年。 30万元 10-20万元




五、招聘程序 1.报名应聘。应聘人员将个人简历和代表性业绩成果等材料以电子邮件方式发送给人事处或相关教学科研单位联系人。



六、联系方式 简历请发送至



The School of Economics of Hebei University sincerely welcomes global talents

Hebei University is co-constructed by the Ministry of Education and the People s Government of Hebei Province. It is one of the first-level universities participating in China s construction plan of world-class universities, with strong support from the Hebei Provincial Government. It was established in 1921 and is located in Baoding City, Hebei Province. We are now inviting global talents to join us to seek common development. For detailed information about Hebei University, please visit

The School of Economics is the earliest professional college established by Hebei University. Its predecessor was the Department of Economics of Hebei University, which was established in 1960. In 1992, it was withdrawn from the department and established as the first secondary college in Hebei universities. The School of Economics is currently comprised of four departments and three institutes, including the Department of Economics, the Department of Statistics, the Department of Finance, the Department of International Economics and Trade, the Japan Institute, the Institute of Population Research, and the Institute of Regional Economics.

The school is entitled to launch doctoral programs in the first-level discipline of applied economics. There are 3 first-level Master s Degree programs and 1 second-level Master s Degree program covering 12 academic master s disciplines and 5 professional master s disciplines. World Economics and Statistics are the key disciplines for Hebei Province. The school has 5 undergraduate disciplines, including Economics, Finance, Statistics, International Economics and Trade, and Insurance. Economics and Economic Statistics are the first-level undergraduate disciplines at the national level (Double First-Class Initiative).

The school has a high-quality faculty. Among the 131 faculty members, there are 114 full-time teachers. The proportions of full-time faculty members with senior titles and doctoral degrees are both higher than 75%. There are 24 doctoral supervisors and 96 master supervisors.

The school has 6 national talents, including Jean Monnet Chair, members of the National Hundred Thousand and Ten-thousand Talent Project, State Council Special Allowance Experts, National Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contribution, candidates of the Program for New Century Excellent Talents of the Ministry of Education, 5 talents at provincial and ministerial levels with the title of Leading Talents of Hebei Innovation Team and Provincial Excellent Experts, and 5 members of 333 Talent Project of Hebei Province.

More than 30 teachers have been sent to visit key universities listed in 985 and 211 Programs, and more than 20 teachers went to 18 prestigious universities worldwide for further studies or visits.

The school has strong scientific research strength. It has built a number of research institutions such as the European Research Institute of Hebei University, the Institute of Social and Economic Development in the area surrounding Beijing, Hebei Rural Development Research Institute, China Circular Economy Research Institute, China Foreign Exchange Investment Research Institute, the Hebei Base of China-Japan-Korea Thinking Bank Network, Financial Research Center of Hebei University, and Statistical Decision Consulting Center. In recent years, the school has undertaken 39 national projects (including 2 major national projects and 6 national key projects) and 86 provincial and ministerial projects, published more than 560 academic papers, 48 monographs and textbooks, received 20 provincial and ministerial awards for scientific research achievements, and undertaken more than 20 provincial and university-level educational reform projects. A number of research results have been approved by leaders or adopted by relevant departments. Scientific research plays a more and more important role in feeding talent cultivation.

Recruitment Plan for Teaching and Research Posts in the School of Economics

Ⅰ. Recruitment Principles We will adhere to the principle of fair and open competition and comprehensive evaluation to hire applicants with both talents and virtue on the basis of merit.

II. Recruitment Plan In 2023, we intend to recruit and introduce high-level talents with doctoral degrees in the following directions:

Economics, Demography, World Economics, International Economics and Trade, Western Economics, Finance, Insurance, Regional Economics, Statistics and other related fields.

III. Basic Requirements 1. Have good political and moral qualities, abide by national laws, regulations and rules, and have not been subject to any disciplinary action or criminal penalty.

2. Have good team spirit and collective spirit, be obedient to the work arrangements by the organizations, and have good adaptability and a strong sense of solidarity and dedication.

3. Have a high theoretical knowledge level and good innovative spirit, be able to undertake teaching and research work, and have innovative thinking and development potential.

4. Have good physical and mental conditions and meet the requirements specified in General Civil Service Recruitment Physical Examination Standards (Trial) .

IV. Posts, Qualifications and Salaries Introduction Type and Salary Reference (2021)



