发布:2018-09-11 01:17:02 关注:28744次
about scupi四川大学匹兹堡学院简介:
sichuan university - pittsburgh institute (scupi) is a new academic entity jointly established by the university of pittsburgh (pitt) in the u.s. and sichuan university (scu) in china. officially approved by the ministry of education (moe) of china in march 2014, scupi is one of the five institute-scale collaborative programs between leading universities in the u.s. and china. scupi stands out for its technical focus on advanced and sustainable manufacturing and offers three undergraduate majors in industrial engineering (ie), mechanical engineering (me), and materials science and engineering (mse). the curricula at scupi is based on pitt’s swanson school of engineering’s core curriculum and they are instructed in english. the first class of scupi started in fall, 2015.
position opened招聘职位:
laboratory engineer (1)
employment location工作地点:
jiang’an campus, sichuan university, chengdu, china
laboratory engineer
position description:
the laboratory engineer is responsible for setting up engineering related comprehensive laboratories, providing support to the operation of the laboratories and the makerspace, as well as guiding students through experiments and laboratory activities at scupi. as a member of the institute’s administrative group, he or she may need to participate in non-laboratory related activities.
duties and responsibilities:
• set up the comprehensive laboratories at scupi
• manage and maintain facilities and supplies in laboratories, and coordinate with relevant university-level department
• assist faculty in laboratory or experiment related issues
• guide students through experiments and laboratory activities
• work with faculty and students to accomplish technical projects
• other responsibilities as assigned
• master's degree in materials science and engineering or mechanical engineering related field, overseas diploma or working experience from an english speaking country preferred
• 1-3 years’ experience in engineering laboratory is a plus reasonable level of english proficiency
• capable of working independently as well as in a team setting multi-tasking ability
application procedure招聘程序和时间:
interested applicants are welcome to apply. a resume, a cover letter which outlines applicant’s professional goals and specific position(s) interested, and three professional references (no need to provide reference letters) with telephone numbers or email addresses (if available), can be sent to. please entitle your email as the following format: 2018 application_job title_your name (e.g., 2018 application_ lab engineer _amy lin). qualified candidates will be invited for interview on a rolling basis at sichuan university. all employments will be located at sichuan university campus in chengdu, china.
application due: september 30th, 2018
office address: 2nd floor, zone 4, liberal arts building, jiang'an campus, sichuan university
应聘人员请发送包括全英文简历、求职信和三位专业推荐人(含联系电话或电子邮箱,无需提供推荐信)的邮件到:。请将邮件按以下格式命名:2018 application_job title_your name (e.g., 2018 application_ lab engineer _amy lin).匹兹堡学院对条件优秀的应聘者进行筛选,并通知前往四川大学参加面试。