发布:2023-05-17 20:20:24 关注:18547次
福建农林大学豆科油料植物遗传与系统生物学研究中心成立于2020年12月,学科归属福建农林大学农学院,是由多名国内外知名专家参与合作研究的国际化研究平台。rajeev k. varshney院士为中心主任,澳大利亚莫道克大学国家农业生物技术中心主任,原联合国国际半干旱地区作物研究所(iscrisat)首席科学家。庄伟建教授为执行主任,闽台有害生物生态防控国家重点实验pi,福建农林大学油料研究所所长。
中心主要研究方向包括:(1)豆科作物基因组和功能基因组学研究;(2)花生性状分子遗传及基因组选择育种;(3)花生抗黄曲霉、青枯病基因遗传与分子机制研究;(4)花生胚胎及种子发育分子机制研究。近年来在在花生基因组与功能基因组学、分子与细胞生物学、花生生物技术及遗传育种等取得重要进展,率先在国际上揭示了四倍体栽培种花生复杂基因组序列和精细结构框架(http://peanutgr.fafu.edu.cn)、揭示了豆科植物核型进化、花生起源驯化;先后获得福建省科技进步一等奖1项,福建省科技进步二等奖3项。在nature genetics, plant biotechnology journal, critical reviews in biotechnology, journal of experimental botany, theory and applied genetics等国内外顶名刊物发表学术论文180多篇。中心庄伟建课题组发展需要,诚聘在编老师1~2名、博士后1~2名。诚邀青年学者加盟共谋发展。
weijian zhuang*, hua chen#, meng yang, jianping wang, manish k. pandey, chong zhang, wen-chi chang, liangsheng zhang, xingtan zhang, ronghua tang,…. andrew h. paterson, xiyin wang, ray ming, rajeev varshney. the arachis hypogaea genome elucidates legume karyotypes, polyploid evolution and crop domestication. nature genetics, 2019, 51(5): 865-876.
weijian zhuang*, xiyin wang, andrew h. paterson, hua chen, meng yang, chong zhang, pengchuan sun, yixiong zheng, lihui wang, wenping xie, wenting chu, huiwen fu, rajeev k. varshney. colinear gene similarities and repetitive dna expansion reveal polyploid arachis origin and novel evolution in plants---reply to ‘evaluating two different models of peanut’s origin’. nature genetics, 2020, http://dx.doi.org/.10.1038/s41588-020-0627-0.
zhuang yuhui,sharif yasir,zeng xiaohong et al. molecular cloning and functional characterization of the promoter of a novel aspergillus flavus inducible gene (ahomt1) from peanut [j] .front plant sci, 2023, 14: 1102181.
cai tiecheng,sharif yasir,zhuang yuhui et al. in-silico identification and characterization of gene family in peanut ( arachis hypogeal.) reveals their putative roles in development and stress tolerance.[j] .front plant sci, 2023, 14: 1145624.
sharif yasir,mamadou gandeka,yang qiang et al. genome-wide investigation of apyrase (apy) genes in peanut (arachis hypogea l.) and functional characterization of a pod-abundant expression promoter .[j] .int j mol sci, 2023, 24.
yang qiang,sharif yasir,zhuang yuhui et al. genome-wide identification of germin-like proteins in peanut ( arachis hypogea l.) and expression analysis under different abiotic stresses.[j] .front plant sci, 2022, 13: 1044144.
zhang chong, xie wenping,fu huiwen et al. whole genome resequencing identifies candidate genes and allelic diagnostic markers for resistance to ralstonia solanacearum infection in cultivated peanut ( l.).[j] .front plant sci, 2022, 13: 1048168.
chen kun, zhuang yuhui,wang lihui et al. ralstonia solanacearumcomprehensive genome sequence analysis of the devastating tobacco bacterial phytopathogen strain fj1003.[j] .front genet, 2022, 13: 966092.
sharif yasir, chen hua,deng ye et al. cloning and functional characterization of a pericarp abundant expression promoter (ahglp17-1p) from peanut ( l.).[j] .front genet, 2021, 12: 821281.
chen kun, wang lihui,chen hua et al. complete genome sequence analysis of the peanut pathogen ralstonia solanacearum strain rs-p.362200.[j] .bmc microbiol, 2021, 21: 118.
shahid ali khan, hua chen, ye deng, yuhua chen, chong zhang, tiecheng cai, niaz ali, gandeka mamadou, dongyang xie, meng yang, baozhu guo, rajeev k varshney and weijian zhuang*. high-density snp map facilitates fine mapping of qtls and candidate genes discovery for aspergillus flavus resistance in peanut (arachis hypogaea). theory and applied genetics, 2020, doi: http://10.1007/s00122-020-03594-0.
manish k pandey, arun k pandey, rakesh kumar, victor nwosu, baozhu guo, graeme wright, ramesh s. bhat, xiaoping chen, sandip k. bera, mei yuan, huifang jiang, issa faye, thankappan radhakrishnan, xingjun wang, xuanquiang liang, boshou liao, xinyou zhang, rajeev k varshney, weijian zhuang*. translational genomics for achieving higher genetic gains in post-genome era in groundnut. theory and applied genetics, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-020-03592-2.